The resale market for luxury designer goods has boomed over the last decade. Never before has it been so easy nor affordable to own named brands such as Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci.

Headed up by Sophie Osborne, a luxury goods expert with many years experience authenticating and valuing designer handbags and accessories, these auctions promise to bring desirable, sought after products through the auction house to you.

If you are looking to replace your designer handbag, or just to add to your collection, Kinghams showcases an exciting range of authentic leading brands including Prada, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Fendi and Burberry to name a few.

If you have unwanted designer items of your own, we offer a dependable valuation service and will work tirelessly to see that your goods fetch the best possible price at auction.

Free valuation days for designer goods are held every Tuesday 10am to 4pm at our Moreton-in-Marsh auction centre or at your home by appointment.

For valuations and enquiries please contact our specialist:

SOPHIE Osborne


Telephone: +44(0)1608 695695
